About Us
Dina Gavanozi
Smooth operator
Full of funny quotes and bringing in the cultural element into the team as Dina pursued Theater studies in the UK. She then found herself in Brussels further completing her studies, planning events and working in the European Council. Her love for Greece though led her back to the country pursuing an event’s career when her footsteps led her to StellaAndMoscha. Dina is often found baking – a strict judge for all Cake Designers we work with – since she challenges herself each week with new recipes. A ‘smooth operator’ is certainly a great way to describe her contribution to the team.
Born to a Greek father and a Mexican-American mother Lydia brings the latin ‘modjo’ into the team. After pursuing a Psychology degree in college, Lydia changed course and spent her working career coordinating logistics at leading coffee brands in Greece. A keen interest in a more creative career has led her to the wonderful world of Stella and Moscha a few years ago where she keeps the team in order during chaotic pre-event days. A practical mind in nature and a fanatic coffee lover Lydia knows how to blend experience and imagination to deliver high-end, personalised events.